Kerry Pendergrast
Commissions- Page Two
Ancestor Russian Dolls, Acrylic on Wood

First set- Great Grandmother Fanny, Fraser, Gordon, Leslie, Naomi and Maddy

Second set- Great Grandmother Laura, Laura (again), Roma, Leslie, Naomi and Dom

Set One, Great Grandmother Fanny, front and back

Fraser, son of Fanny, front and back

Gordon, son of Fraser, front and back

Leslie, daughter of Gordon, front and back


Naomi, daughter of Lesley, front and back

Maddy, daughter of Naomi, front and back

Set two
Great Grandmother Laura, front and back

Laura, daughter of Laura, front and back

Roma, daughter of Laura, front and back with Misty

Leslie, daughter of Roma, front and back

Naomi, daugher of Lesley, front and back

Dom, daughter of Naomi, front and back

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