Tahlia Raji

Tahlia Raji "My Heart is Blue"
Ink and permanent pen on canvas, 100 x 200cm
US$ 800


Top end of Mural

Mural crew
Tahlia Raji, Ida Lawrence, CleiseVidal, Agus Dayak, Neng, Ketut Sri, Laurie,
Helena, Ketut Karim
Not in picture- Donal



Tahlia gets a lift up for Art





VW Street Art

Tahlia at work

Some of the VW Street Art Crew
Ida Lawrence, Donal, Karunia Fischer, Ketut Sri, Tahlia, Fajar and Luis

June with her mural on the bamboo wall at her place-
by Donal, Cleise, Hero, Fajar and Tahlia


June with Tahlia flower section
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